Sección de texto
Cuenta más a los visitantes acerca de lo que haces
Conferencias (continuación)
26. General Session of the National Cancer Institute: Prostate Cancer Program in Mexico (OPUS), September 4, 2019,
National Cancer Institute, Mexico City
27. Panel on Gender Equality in Science; Mora Institute, Mexico City, November 12, 2019
28. XV Oncological Nuclear Medicine Conference, clinical perspective of molecular imaging. Molecular imaging in
prostate cancer and its impact on management. National Cancer Institute, December 13, 2019.
29. 2020 Update Course in Oncological Urology. Residual disease management in the retroperitoneum. National
Cancer Institute, January 10, 2020
30. 2020 Update Course in Oncological Urology. Generalities and stage management. National Cancer Institute,
January 10, 2020
31. XXVII Annual Meeting of INCan, February 1, 2020, National Institute of Genomic Medicine; Mexico City. Penile
Cancer. Impact Protocol
32. Prostate Cancer Training as Instructor. XXXVII Annual Meeting of INCan. February 1, 2020 at the National Cancer
33. Virtual Discussion for the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Autonomous University of Mexico: Covid 19,
challenges as a society and government, held within the framework of the PAPIIT-IA301920 Project. "Public-private
partnerships as a financing alternative for governments in Mexico" on May 15, 2020, Italian Cultural Institute
34. "KIDNEY CANCER IN THE ERA OF IMMUNO-ONCOLOGY", academic session of the NEW LEÓN chapter of the
Mexican Society of Oncology; Held on July 22, 2020, Monterrey, N.L, virtual section; topic: "ROLE OF
35. Ultimate cross-fire in immunoncology 2020. UCF-DEBATE IN RCC - SURGICAL APPROACH. Academic session of
the MORELOS chapter of the Mexican Society of Oncology. Virtual section held on August 21, 2020.
36. Immunotherapy in the management of Bladder Cancer, Clinical experience in the management of non-muscle
invasive bladder cancer TEVA, webinar August 27, 2020
37. Current Role of Retroperitoneal Lymphadenectomy in Post-chemotherapy Germinal Tumors with Residual
(standard, salvage, desperation, and Redo). November 13, 2020 Auditorium of the National Cancer Institute
38. Comprehensive Prostate Cancer Care Program. Results Report. December 16, 2020 at the National Institute
39. XVIII International Meeting of Oncological Nursing, INCan. Module III: Prostate Cancer. Prostate cancer, a public
health problem. February 17, 2021
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40. XVIII International Meeting of Oncological Nursing, INCan. Module III: Prostate Cancer: Criteria for defining
treatment for prostate cancer. February 17, 2021.
41. Current Role of Cytoreductive Nephrectomy in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
42. INCAN ring cancer 2021
43. WorkShop: Medical evidence of the CPRCm0 stage Bayer Mexico, March 9, 2021
44. Oncology Course at the XLV Congress of the Mexican National Urology College, held from May 6-8, 2021 virtually;
Topic: Current Role of Cytoreductive Nephrectomy in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
45. "Control today and define tomorrow: sequencing, efficacy, and safety with Apalutamide" Virtual Talk, CDMX, May
25, 2021.
46. Focus group: Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer M0; Bayer Mexico, June 1, 2021
47. Analysis of clinical information on therapeutic options for men with M0CRPC. Advisory Board on Metastatic
Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer (CPmHS) for Astellas Farma Mexico, last Saturday, October 16, 2021, from
09:00 - 12:00 hrs virtually
48. Current Role of Retroperitoneal Lymphadenectomy in Post-chemotherapy Germinal Tumors before the Presence of
Residual (standard, salvage, desperation, and Redo) "Selected Topics in Oncological Surgery" November 5, 2021,
Auditorium of the Institute
49. Advanced Prostate Cancer for Urologist. LXXIII National Congress of Urology, held from November 23-27, 2021,
Mexico City
50. XXIX Annual Meeting of INCan. Kidney Cancer: Surgical Treatment. In virtual format on February 14, 2022
51. XXIX Annual Meeting of INCan. New Therapies in Urothelial Cancer. In virtual format on February 14, 2022
52. General Session. World Prostate Cancer Day. "Epidemiology and timely detection of Prostate Cancer." National
Cancer Institute, Mexico City, June 8, 2022Update Course on Genitourinary Tumors July 2022, organized by MSD
53. URO 360 Summit 2022. Astrazeneca and Cyber Robotics. June 10-12, 2022
54. "Prevail Study: the position and differentiation of Enzalutamide vs NTHs". Academic session of the Potosino
College of Urology, Thursday, July 21, 2022
55. Hormone-sensitive prostate cancer. Monthly Academic Session SMU, Mexican Society of Urology, August 11, 2022
56. Clinical experience in Mexico with Darolutamide. "OUR SUMMIT" Bayer Mexico August 26-28, 2022, Playa Mujeres,
57. Current developments in prostate cancer: management of patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer M0.
Medical Society of the State Oncology Center of Toluca de Lerdo. September 28, 2022
58. "Current Challenges in Oncological Urology" course, September 26-28, 2022, Central Military Hospital
Hospital of Mexico "Dr. Eduardo Liceaga" October 3 and 4, 2022
60. Selected Topics in Oncological Surgery. Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy in residual germinal tumor after
systemic treatment: Standard, Salvage, Desperation, and Redo. Session 18/11/2022. National Cancer Institute
61. Moderation during the Oncology Plenary on November 26, 2022. LXXIII National Congress of Urology, held from
November 23-27, 2022, in the City of Veracruz
62. MSD virtual interview on renal cancer 9/03/2023
63. Professor in the accreditation of the Academic Training Program in Prostate Cancer that takes place from March 21
to 24, 2023 with a duration of 8 hours at the National Cancer Institute
64. Professor of the Academic Training Program at the Hemato Onco Fest Summit 2023 held on April 1, 2023, in faceto-
face format with a duration of 8 hours City of Guadalajara, Jalisco
65. National Meeting for Comprehensive Health, June 11, 2023, organized by the National Autonomous University of
Mexico, National Cancer Institute, Government of Mexico City, and Tlalpan Borough
66. Nexos encounter for health. Risk factors for prostate cancer, Vallarta July 2023
67. Coordinator of the oncological urology module at the 5th International Oncological Urology Meeting, Medica Sur
Hospital Auditorium, CDMX August 31 to September 2, 2023
68. Laparoscopic Management of the Retroperitoneum in Germinal Neoplasms at the 5th International Oncological
Urology Meeting, Medica Sur Hospital Auditorium, CDMX August 31,2023
69. Coordinator of the Robotic Surgery course in Oncological Urology August 31 and September 1, 2023, Mexico City
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70. Speaker at Best of ASCO 2023 in Module: Genitourinary Tumors: Non-Prostate Day: Friday, September 15; event
organized by INCan at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Mexico City to expose the medical community of the country a
selection of the most relevant topics in research presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society of
Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
71. Professor "Current State of Prostate Cancer in Mexico" in the course One Day Full Immersion in Ultra Preservative
Robotic Prostatectomy ", October 27, 2023, Monterrey
72. Professor at the LAPAROSCOPY AND ROBOTIC SURGERY WORKSHOP, Endourology and Laparoscopy Chapter.
During the LXXIV National Congress of Urology, held from November 22 to 26, 2023, in the City of Monterrey,
Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
73. Professor at the UROWOMEN MEXICO course, Chapter: Gender Commission Module Oncological Urology - Point
against point: - Neoadjuvancy in metastatic renal cancer. During the LXXIV National Congress of Urology, held
from November 22 to 26, 2023, in the City of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
74. Professor with the theme URO-ASTELLAS RESIDENTS MEETING 2023 Biochemical recurrence: perspectives and
difficulties. During the LXXIV National Congress of Urology, held from November 22 to 26, 2023, in the City of
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
75. Professor with the theme URO-ASTELLAS RESIDENTS MEETING 2023 Clinical case: cardiovascular complications.
During the LXXIV National Congress of Urology, held from November 22 to 26, 2023, in the City of Monterrey,
Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
76. Professor with the theme URO-ASTELLAS RESIDENTS MEETING 2023 Clinical case: metabolic complications.
During the LXXIV National Congress of Urology, held from November 22 to 26, 2023, in the City of Monterrey,
Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
77. Professor with the theme URO-ASTELLAS RESIDENTS MEETING 2023 Clinical case: complications in bone health.
During the LXXIV National Congress of Urology, held from November 22 to 26, 2023, in the City of Monterrey,
Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
78. Moderator with the topic TEVA Industry Symposium. During the LXXIV National Congress of Urology, held from
November 22 to 26, 2023, in the City of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
79. Professor in the course. FORUM YOUNG UROLOGISTS SMU #SMU2039 Why publish medical manuscripts? And
Tips for getting a publication accepted? During the LXXIV National Congress of Urology, held from November 22
to 26, 2023, in the City of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Abstractos (continuación)
11. Trattamento percutaneo con accessi multipli nella calcolosi complessa. A. Saita, A. Scavuzzo, A. Costa, A.
Bonaccorsi, M. Puglisi, M. Falsaperla, M. Motta. Arch It Urol Androl. Vol.82;n.1 Supplement 1, March 2010
12. Cistite cistica: descrizione di un caso e revisione della letteratura.A. Scavuzzo, A. Saita, A. Costa, A. Bonaccorsi, F.
Marchese, M. Puglisi, M. Falsaperla, M. Motta. . Arch It Urol Androl. Vol.82;n.1 Supplement 1, March 2010
13. Exeresi per via laparoscopica trans peritoneale di metestasi linfonodale paracavale in paziente con
teratocarcinoma del testicolo già sottoposto a chemioterapia adiuvante. Falsaperla M, Saita M, Puglisi M, Scavuzzo
A, Lanza C, Motta M. XXVII Congresso SSCU, Catanzaro, 27-29 Maggio 2010.
14. Linfocele gigante dopo prostatectomia radicale videolaparoscopica. A. Scavuzzo, M. Falsaperla, M. Motta, A. Saita,
F. Marchese, M. Puglisi. 27° Congresso Nazionale AURO, Roma 22-25 Settembre 2010
15. Exeresi per via laparoscopica transperitoneale di voluminosa neoplasia dell’uraco. M.Falsaperla , A. Saita, M. Motta,
G. Salerno, A. Scavuzzo, M. Puglisi, G.Morgia. 27° Congresso Nazionale AURO, Roma 22-25 Settembre 2010
16. Trattamento PCNL con accessi multipli nella calcolosi renale complessa. Alberto Saita , A. Scavuzzo, M. Puglisi, A.
Bonaccorsi, A. Costa, M. Falsaperla, M.Motta, F. Marchese. 27° Congresso Nazionale AURO, Roma 22-25 Settembre
17. Exeresi per via laparoscopica trans peritoneale di metestasi linfonodale paracavale in paziente con
teratocarcinoma del testicolo già sottoposto a chemioterapia adiuvante. M.Falsaperla , A. Scavuzzo, M. Motta, G.
Morgia, M. Puglisi, G. Salerno, A.Saita. 27° Congresso Nazionale AURO, Roma 22-25 Settembre 2010
18. Cistite cistica: descrizione di un caso e revisione della letteratura. A. Scavuzzo , A. Bonaccorsi, M. Falsaperla, M.
Puglisi, A. Saita, M. Motta, F. Marchese, A. Costa. 27° Congresso Nazionale AURO, Roma 22-25 Settembre 2010
19. Trattamento PCNL con accessi multipli nella calcolosi renale complessa. Saita A, Scavuzzo A, Costa A, Puglisi M,
Bonaccorsi A, Falsaperla M, Motta M. 83° Congresso Società Italiana di Urologia. 17-20 Ottobre 2010
20. Complications in percutaneous nephrolithotomy.A. Saita, A. Scavuzzo, M. Puglisi, G. Maugeri, A. Bonaccorsi, F.
Spitaleri, M. Falsaperla, M. Motta, G. Morgia. Arch It Urol Androl. Vol.83;n.1 Supplement 1, March 2011
21. Pieloplastica minilaparoscopica transperitoneale sinistra con strumenti da 3mm. Falsaperla M., Puglisi M., Saita A.,
Scavuzzo A., Spitaleri F., Lanza C., Maugeri G.,Motta M. XXIX Congresso SSCU, Messina, 26-28 Maggio 2011.
22. Diverticolectomia vescicale videolaparoscopica transperitoneale.Falsaperla M., Puglisi M., Saita A., Scavuzzo A.,
Spitaleri F., Lanza C., Maugeri G.,Motta M. XXIX Congresso SSCU, Messina, 26-28 Maggio 2011.
23. Nefrectomia videolaparoscopica destra per idropionefrosi in paziente dializzato. Falsaperla M., Puglisi M., Saita A.,
Scavuzzo A., Spitaleri F., Lanza C., Maugeri G.,Motta M. XXIX Congresso SSCU, Messina, 26-28 Maggio 2011.
24. Le complicanze della nefrolitotrissia percutanea.A. Scavuzzo, A. Saita, M. Puglisi, G. Maugeri, F. Spitaleri, B. Tomasi,
M. Falsaperla,M. Motta, G. Mogia. XXIX Congresso SSCU, Messina, 26-28 Maggio 2011.
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25. Complications in percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a single center experience. A. Scavuzzo, A. Saita, M. Falsaperla,
M. Puglisi, G. Maugeri, M. Motta, G. Morgia. 84° Congresso Società Italiana di Urologia. Roma 23-26 Ottobre 2011,
Atti congresuali pag.119.
26. Complications in percutaneous nephrolithotomy A. Saita, A. Scavuzzo, M. Falsaperla, G. Maugeri, M.Puglisi,
F.Spitaleri, B. Tomasi,M. Motta e G. Morgia. Club della Litiasi Urinaria. 4°Congresso Nazionale. Catania,22-24
Settembre 2011.
27. Rupture of the urinary collecting system associated with utereric obstruction by urinary calculi: two cases report.
A.Scavuzzo, A. Saita, M. Falsaperla, C. Lanza, R. Giardina, M. Pulvirenti, M. Puglisi, F. Spitaleri, B. Tomasi, M. Motta,
G. Morgia. Club della Litiasi Urinaria. 4°Congresso Nazionale. Catania,22-24 Settembre 2011.
28. Il trattamento mini-invasivo della calcolosi nelle malformazioni reno-ureterali. nostra esperienza.A. Scavuzzo, A.
Saita, M. Puglisi, A. Bonaccorsi, M. Falsaperla, G. Maugeri, M. Motta, G. Morgia. Club della Litiasi Urinaria.
4°Congresso Nazionale. Catania,22-24 Settembre 2011.
29. Relazione tra stress ossidativo e obesità nelle malattie della prostata. A. Scavuzzo. Videoconferenza, Progetto
Diamante, 29Settembre 2011
30. Nefrectomia videolaparoscopica destra per idropionefrosi in paziente dializzato. M. Falsaperla, M. Puglisi, A. Saita,
A.Scavuzzo, G. Maugeri, M. Motta, G. Morgia. 28° Congresso Nazionale AURO, Sorrento 15-18 Ottobre 2011.
31. Pieloplastica minilaparoscopicatransperitoneale con strumenti da 3mm. M. Falsaperla, M. Puglisi, A. Saita,
A.Scavuzzo, G. Maugeri, M. Motta, G. Morgia. 28° Congresso Nazionale AURO, Sorrento 15-18 Ottobre 2011
32. Diverticolectomia vescicale videolaparoscopica transperitoneale.M. Falsaperla, M. Puglisi, A. Saita, A.Scavuzzo, G.
Maugeri, M. Motta, G. Morgia. 28° Congresso Nazionale AURO, Sorrento 15-18 Ottobre 2011
33. Laparoscopic Partial Cystectomy for Bladder Leiomyoma: Case Report. Saita A, Scavuzzo A, Puglisi M,
Falsaperla M, Motta M, Morgia G. UROLOGY 78 (Supplement 3A), September 2011.
34. Minilaparoscopy for the treatment of pyeloureteral junction stenosis (SIU Berlin, 2011)Mario Falsaperla, Marco
Puglisi, Anna Scavuzzo, Alberto Saita, Mario Motta, Giuseppe Morgia.
35. Complications in percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a single center experience. A. Scavuzzo, A. Saita, M. Falsaperla,
M. Puglisi, G. Maugeri, M. Motta, G. Morgia. 84° Congresso Società Italiana di Urologia. Roma 23-26 Ottobre 2011.
36. Conservative treatment for rupture of the urinary tract: 3 cases. A. Saita, A. Scavuzzo, M. Puglisi, M. Falsaperla, G.
Morgia. Congresso Nazionale IEA. Manfredonia 29-31 Marzo 2012.
37. Retroperineoscopic Nephron Sparing Surgery For Renal Tumor More Than 4 Cm In Size. Mario Falsaperla, Marco
Puglisi*, Alberto Saita, Anna Scavuzzo, Giuseppe Morgia, Catania, Italy. AUA Atlanta, May19-23 2012.
38. Transposicion pene escrotal: experiencia con dos alternativas quirurgicas para la corrección. Acosta León, Jorge,
Pelayo Nieto, Marcela; Corona Rivera, J. Román; Scavuzzo, Anna. Congreso CAU Colombia, 4-9 Septiembre
39. Urolithiasis: real time endoscopic examination of stones. Biagio Tomasi, Anna Scavuzzo, Marco Puglisi, Federico
Nicolosi, Massimo Salvatore D’alessandro, Mario Falsaperla, Alberto Rosario Saita. Journal of Endourology.Volume
26, Supplement 1, September 2012.
40. Papel de la nefrectomía citorreductora en pacientes con cáncer renal metastásico, experiencia en el Instituto
Nacional de Cancerología (México, D.F.). Navarro V.J.C., Castro A.A., Scavuzzo A., Santana R.Z., Martínez C.P.,
Jiménez R.M.A. LXIV Congreso Nacional De Urología,12-17 de Noviembre 2013, Mérida, Yucatán.
41. Factores pronósticos de recurrencia y progresión del cáncer superficial de vejiga en la población mexicana del
Instituto Nacional de Cancerología (México, D.F.). Castro A.A., Martínez C.P.F., Santana R.Z.A., Navarro V.J.C.,
Scavuzzo A., Jiménez R.M.A. . LXIV Congreso Nacional De Urología,12-17 de Noviembre 2013, Mérida, Yucatán
42. Tumor de Wilms en adulto, presentación de un caso y revisión de la literatura. González O.R., Scavuzzo A., Castro
A.A., Navarro V.J.C., Santana R.Z. LXIV Congreso Nacional De Urología,12-17 de Noviembre 2013, Mérida, Yucatán
Page 10
43. Metástasis de cáncer renal con patrón sarcomatoide a testículo. Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura.
Farías C.J.D., Jiménez R.M.A., Scavuzzo A., Castro A.A., Navarro J.C. LXIV Congreso Nacional De Urología,12-17
de Noviembre 2013, Mérida, Yucatán.
44. Cancer of the penis: Experience of single institution. A. Scavuzzo, Z.A. Santana Rios, P.Martinez Cervera, A. Castro
Alfaro, J.C. Navarro Vargas, N. Reynoso Ortiz Noverón, M.A. Jimenez-Rios. European Urology Supplements 12
(2013) 123–180.
45. Tratamiento de la cistitis actínica con dimetilsulfoxido (DMSO) intravesical. J.J Real Carabes, Scavuzzo A., Santana
Rios Z.A.,E.I Bravo Castro, C. Diaz Gomez, E.Linden Castro, V. Osornio Sanchez, P. Martinez Cervera, M.A Jimenez
Rios. LXVI Congreso Nacional De Urología,10-14 de Noviembre 2015, Cancun, Mexico
46. Angiomiolipoma renal con trombo en cava nivel IV. J.J Real Carabes, E.I Bravo Castro, C. Diaz Gomez, E.Linden
Castro, V. Osornio Sanchez, Scavuzzo A., Santana Rios Z.A, Martinez Cervera, M.A Jimenez Rios. LXVI Congreso
Nacional De Urología,10-14 de Noviembre 2015, Cancun, Mexico
47. Transformación somática en tumor de células germinales: reporte de dos casos .Preciado-Estrella D1, Herrera-
Muñóz J1, Castillero Barrios A2, Bravo-Castro E3, Díaz-Gómez C3,Linden-Castro E3, Osornio Sánchez V3,
Scavuzzo A3, Santana Ríos Z3, Martínez-Cervera P3, Jiménez-Ríos MA. LXVI Congreso Nacional De
Urología,10-14 de Noviembre 2015, Cancun, Mexico.
48. Impact of Gender on Cancer-Specific Survival in Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma: Results from an International
Multicenter Study. Scavuzzo A, Wolff I, Reynoso Noveron N., Jimenez Rios MA., Hoschke B, Capitanio U, Krabbe
LM, Herrmann E, Klatte T, Shariat S, Haferkamp A, Borgmann H, Ecke T, Lange C, Vergho D, Riedmiller H, Wagener
N, Huck N, Zastrow S, Wirth M, Musquera M, Surcel C, Kalusova K, May M, Gilfrich C, Hutterer G, Zigeuner R, Stief C,
Brookman-May S. World Journal of Urology. October 2016, Volume 34, Supplement 1, pp 1–248. Abstract SIU 2016
Buenos Aires, Argentina book.
49. What Is the Effect of Cytoreductive Nephrectomy in Metastatic Renal Cancer Without Targeted Therapy or
Immunotherapy? Scavuzzo A, Reynoso Noveron N, Santana Rios Z, Meneses Garcia A, Herrera Gomez A, Jimenez
Rios MA. World Journal of Urology. October 2016, Volume 34, Supplement 1, pp 1–248. Abstract SIU 2016 Buenos
Aires, Argentina book.
50. Cardiovascular Events in Surgical Castration for Prostate Cancer: Analysis of a Single Institution. Scavuzzo A,
Reynoso Noveron N, Santana Rios Z, Sanchez VO, Jimenez Rios MA. World Journal of Urology. October 2016,
Volume 34, Supplement 1, pp 1–248. Abstract SIU 2016 Buenos Aires, Argentina book.
51. Biochemical Response with Diethylstilbestrol (DES) in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC): Experience in a
Heterogeneous Population. Santana Rios Z, Scavuzzo A, Osornio V, Herrera A, Montalvo G, Meneses A, Martínez P,
Jimenez MA. World Journal of Urology. October 2016, Volume 34, Supplement 1, pp 1–248. Abstract SIU 2016
Buenos Aires, Argentina book.
52. Factores predictores asociadosa metástasis ganglionar en Cáncer de pene con enfermedad inguinal palpable.
Alsino Ochoa, Anna Scavuzzo, Zael Arturo santana Ríos, Marcela Pelayo-nieto, Israel Uberetagoyena Tello de
Meneses, Juan José Real Carabes, Miguel Angel Jiménez Ríos. durante XLVII Congreso Nacional de Urología
Celebrado del 15 al 19 de Noviembre del 2016 en Pto. Vallarta, Jal.
53. Rabdomiosarcoma vesical y recurrencia uretral; reporte de un caso. Eddy gabriel muñoz lumbreras, Juan josé Real
Carabés, Israel Uberetagoyena Tello de Meneses, Zael Arturo Santana Ríos, Pedro Fernando Martínez Cervera,
Anna Scavuzzo, Miguel Angel Jiménez Rios, durante XLVII Congreso Nacional de Urología Celebrado del 15 al 19
de Noviembre del 2016 en Pto. Vallarta, Jal.
54. Comparación de la eficacia oncológica entre la prostatectomía radical y la radioterapia en el cáncer de próstata.
Miguel A. Jimenez Rios, Israel Uberetagoyena Tello de Meneses, Zael .A Santana Rios, Pedro Martinez Cervera,
Page 11
Anna Scavuzzo, durante XLVII Congreso Nacional de Urología Celebrado del 15 al 19 de Noviembre del 2016 en
Pto. Vallarta, Jal.
55. Cáncer de Próstata en la Ciudad de México. Resultados de un programa de detección. Juan José Real, Zael
Santana Rios, Israel Uberetagoyena Tello de Meneses, Pedro Martinez Cervera, Anna Scavuzzo, . Miguel A.
Jimenez Rios durante XLVII Congreso Nacional de Urología Celebrado del 15 al 19 de Noviembre del 2016 en
Pto. Vallarta, Jal.
56. Frequency of Subtypes in High Grade Urothelial Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder. Delia Perez Montiel, Carolina
Silva Morera, Anna Scavuzzo, Julia Mendoza Perez, Miguel Angel Jimenez, Lourdes Pena, Guadalupe Moncada,
David Cantu de Leon. United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology 106th Annual Meeting Abstracts. Volume
30, Issue S2 (February 2017).
57. Utility of Immunohistochemistry for Classification into Luminal and Basal Urothelial Bladder Carcinoma and Clinical
Significance. Carolina Silva Morera, Anna Scavuzzo, Miguel Angel Jimenez, Guadalupe Moncada, David Cantu de
Leon, Lourdes Pena, Julia Mendoza Perez, Delia Perez Montiel. United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology
106th Annual Meeting Abstracts. Volume 30, Issue S2 (February 2017).
58. Prognostic significance of Fuhrman grade and age for cancer-specific and overall survival in patients with papillary
renal cell carcinoma: Results of an international multi-institutional study on 2189 patients. Scavuzzo A., Wolff I.,
Jimenez Rios M.A., Capitanio U., Dell'Oglio P., Krabbe L-M., Herrmann E., Klatte T., Shariat S., Borgmann H.,
Haferkamp A., Ecke T., Vergho D., Riedmiller H., Wagener N., Huck N., Pahernik S., Zastrow S., Wirth M., Musquera
M., Surcel C., Mirvald C., Kalusova K., Hutterer G., Zigeuner R., May M., Gilfrich C., Stief C.G., Brookman-May S. Eur
Urol Suppl 2017; 16(3);e645 .
59. Outcome of papillary versus clear cell renal cell carcinoma varies significantly in non-metastatic disease. Wagener
N., Edelmann D., Benner A., Huck N., Hutterer G., Zigeuner R., Borgmann H., Haferkamp A., Pahernik S., Wolff I.,
Krabbe L.M., Herrmann E., Vergho D., Mirvald C., Surcel C., Musquera M., Ecke T., Prochazkova K., Scavuzzo A.,
Dell’Oglio P., Capitanio U., Klatte T., Shariat S., Zastrow S., Wirth M., Cindolo L., May M., Gilfrich C., Stief C.,
Brookman-May S.D. Eur Urol Suppl 2017; 16(3);e646.
60. Frequency of subtypes in high grade urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder. Scavuzzo A., Jimenez Rios M.A.,
Silva Morera C., Pena L., Moncada G., Mendoza J., Cantu De Leon D., Perez Montiel D. Eur Urol Suppl 2017;
61. Determinación De Los Subtipos Moleculares De Carcinoma De Vejiga Mediante El Uso De Inmunohistoquímica.
Carolina Silva Morera, Delia Pérez Montiel, Ana Scavuzzo. XXXI Congreso Latinoamericano de Patologia. Del 8 al
12 de agosto 2017
62. Clinical perfil of castration-resistant prostate cancer population. Scavuzzo A., Reynoso Noveron N.R.N, Ochoa
Sanchez A.O.S, Bolio Laviada F.B.L, Granda Gonzalez D.G.G , Santana Rios Z.S , Pacheco Gahbler C.P.G , Campos
Salcedo J.G.C.S, Diaz-Gomez C.D.G,Sanchez Lopez H.S.L, Priego Niño AP.N., Orozco Lara J.O.L, Hernandez
Martinez G.H.M , Meneses-García A.M.G, Jimenez Rios M.A.J.R. EUR Urol Suppl 2017; 16(10);e2705.
63. Predictive factors associated to metastatic lymph nodes in patients with penile cancer and palpable inguinal lymph
nodes. Ochoa Sanchez A.O.S, Scavuzzo A.S. , Santana Ríos Z.S.R. , Bolio Laviada F.B.L., Granda González D.G.G. ,
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64. Asociación entres e cáncer de próstata agresivo y la obesidad en población mexicana. Alsino Ochoa Sanchez, Zael
Arturo Santana Rios, Miguel Angel Jimenez Rios, Anna Scavuzzo, Fernando Miguel Bolio Laviada, David Granda
Gonzalez, Pedro Martinez Cervera. LXVIII Congreso Nacional de Urologia, 14-19 de Noviembre, Acapulco 2017.
65. Perfil Clinico de la Población con Cancer de Prostata Resistente a la Castracion. Fernando Bolio Laviada, Anna
Scavuzzo, Zael Arturo Santana Rios, Alsino Ochoa Sanchez, David Granda Gonzalez, Miguel Angel Jimenez Rios.
LXVIII Congreso Nacional de Urologia, 14-19 de Noviembre, Acapulco 2017.
66. Cáncer de pene en latinoamérica: 15 años de análisis demográfico y de sobrevida. David Francisco Granda
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67. Surgical injuries and additional procedures during retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for testis cancer. Ten
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68. Germ cell tumors with malignant somatic transformation: Genomic profile by FoundationOne CDx test. Scavuzzo
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69. Carcinoma de los Conductos Colectores de Bellini: series de casos. Jimenez Guendulain N.J, Figueroa Rodriguez
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70. Valoración del estado nutricional en pacientes con Cáncer De Próstata. Reporte De Resultados. Jimenez
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71. Detección de biomarcadores asociados a a la relación bidireccional entre cancer renal y enfermedad renal crónica.
Aijahir Alexis Mancio Cárdenas Carlo César Cortés González Miguel Ángel Jiménez Ríos María Delia Pérez-Montiel
Gómez, Anna Scavuzzo, Adrián Gasga Tehuintle,Bertha Manuela Córdova Sánchez . 9 CONGRESO NACIONAL DE
ONCOLOGÍA, realizado del 27 al 30 de Octubre del 2021 Ciudad de México. Octubre del 2021
72. KRAS mutation in germ tumors with somatic transformation: Genetic pattern by FoundationOne CDx test.
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O.D., Jimenez Guendulain N.J., Sobrevilla Moreno N., Jimenez Rios M.A. Eur Urol Suppl 2022;81(S 1):S827.
73. Utility of CT rendering and Radiomic Features analysis in post-chemotherapy retroperitoneal lymph node
dissection. Scavuzzo A., Figueroa Rodriguez P., Jimenez Guedulain N., Hernandez Mendez A., Muruato Araiza S.,
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GERM CELL TUMOR. Video 44.A. Scavuzzo, I. Navarro Ruesga, F. Chein Vasquez, E. Plascencia-
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75. Radiomics model to predict teratoma in metastatic non-seminomatous testicular germ cell tumors, A. Scavuzzo, E.
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76. Radiomics model to predict teratoma in metastatic non-seminomatous testicular germ cell tumors, A. Scavuzzo, E.
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